Business Diploma
What Can You Expect from a Business Diploma Course?
As of 2015, there were an estimated 115 million small businesses registered around the world. Every year tens of thousands of new businesses are incorporated, many of which will be owned by those that have attended college and undertaken advanced courses in business, management and finance. These days, 1 in 3 businesses will either rely on a CEO that owns their own Diploma of Business, or at least hire an employee that has the equivalent qualification such as Leadership Training qualifications.
In order to obtain this qualification, students will be expected to undergo a variety of training practices and methods that can be utilised in real-life situations.
In short, the diploma itself will provide a student with the relevant set of skills in order to manage projects, understand the concept and functionality of human resources (as a role and as a department), as well as how to operate an online company. As can be imagined, this latter section of the course will have originally related to operating a business in general – but as times have changed, so too have educational criteria; including a shift from traditional to digital curriculums.
Understanding the course
In most colleges, the students present will number under thirty, but this can be expanded to under 90 for larger institutes. The reason for these restrictions relates to the way in which the course is taught – with one on one sessions being a frequent requirement. As a result, Professors of Business will often dictate a combination of 60% practical work and 40% coursework. (private maths tutoring available in Sydney)
This relates to a standard course; others are available to those that wish to pursue particular avenues of the educational pathway. One thing remains the same however, and that’s those that undertake this entry-level diploma will be able to apply directly to universities once they have passed and have been accredited with the qualification.
Alternative options
Many students prefer to bypass the need for university, in favour of taking the information that they have learnt within the course and putting it to immediate use by forming their own business. As the course is so versatile, it’s ideal for providing information relating to any particular niche online. The techniques taught can be applied to a host of industries – all of which can stand to benefit from online practice and promotional techniques.
Thousands of business owners enter their respective markets each year with the backing afforded by the information and knowledge from this course – and many have gone on to become highly successful executives in the space of a few years. Although entry-level in nature the techniques are nothing short of advanced – and once they have been mastered, the possibility to turn this knowledge into productivity is very substantial indeed.
Find out more at Australian Training Management courses in Perth
Checking your Procurement Eligibility
Checking your Procurement Eligibility
Being sure that you are eligible for a procurement within New South Wales has never been easier. There are several important aspects to consider before planning a procurement project, as not everyone is entitled to the same benefits and schemes; so here’s a look at those aspects.
Non-Profit Organisations
Any non-profit organisations are often eligible to procure properties and facilities, as long as the intention is to provide a free service. These contracts include private hospitals, council buildings, private schools, universities, commonwealth locations and other similar areas. A non-profit organisation will always be given priority, especially if their services relate to charities.
Buyer Contracts
Business procurements will often involve purchasing contracts relating to the business in question. These contracts can relate to construction, education or medical facilities, and when attempting to procure a property or contract within New South Wales, candidates will be expected to prove that they are a viable option.
Government Services
When considering providing contracts for government services, buyers need to be aware of a range of clauses and expectations involved in the purchase. First of all, the buyer will need to demonstrate that they are capable of providing the mentioned services. Secondly, a buyer will have to provide a cost effective and quality of service that stands out from competitors. In order to be eligible for this; a buyer will need to ensure that their name, brand or organisation is registered within New South Wales, with all relevant tax codes and documentation. Failure to do so may result in an application being dismissed.
Organisation Relevance
Within the walls of the NSW government, one of the biggest priorities is to define a standard quality of services amongst contractors and service providers. It’s this expectation that sets the mark for all buyers intending to procure contracts. When applying, an organisation will be expected to present any documents that clearly define their relevance as a service provider. This helps to separate companies that offer agricultural services from procuring properties and contracts relating to financial sectors for example.
Contract Eligibility
As briefly mentioned above; certain organisations will be far better suited to undertaking contracts relating to their field of expertise. The expectations of these contracts will vary from service to service, but in most instances they can be broken down in to the following categories:
- Government contracts on a wider scale (relating to all government contracts that are undertaken by external businesses)
- Other relevant New South Wales government contracts (any non-specific contracts)
- Major construction contracts (with a value of over $1 million)
- Minor construction contracts (with a value of under $1 million)
Government services require a multitude of industry features and so there is no strict limit on the type of business that can attempt to procure a contract; although as mentioned above the relevancy issue will play a major role in any decisions made.